Friday, August 31, 2012

2 new blogs in a day

Wow - so I am in TMA 273 (a class taught in the film program about new media storytelling), IP&T 69something (a graduate seminar course about social media), and English 273 (obviously . . . digital culture!) and my brain is thundering on the Tron channel on Pandora. I guess I will get my fill of digital-ness this semester.

I started another blog today on a topic I have been thinking about for a very long time. I am really excited to learn how to be a better blogger, tweeter, and all that. In other words, I hope to be more fluent in consuming, connecting, and creating.

Brandon started a post about Netflix and Amazon that I feel is interesting right now. Being a film student I have watched tons of movies on Netflix. However, my wife and I recently decided to pull the plug on it because of our budget and desire to do other things with our time. This was a hard decision, but I did take comfort in the fact that Amazon Prime offers a pretty good deal. I will miss those blessed hours of watching Lost for hours on end, and my recent addiction to the original Star Trek series has slowed to a mere hunger.

As a filmmaker and consumer it will be very interesting to see how distribution of movies continues to change. In my New Media class my professor made a fascinating comparison of one of the original cameras/methods of distribution (the Kinetoscope) to the iPod/Youtube phenomenon of today. Viewing was done privately - like a peep show - in those todays. And today, most viewers are now watching films on their own devices, in an almost private way.

There will be time for many more posts, until then - stay well.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad Star Trek is making a comeback. I started watching TOS after seeing the 2009 movie.
