Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Additional Odyssey Ideas

Along with my thoughts about masks of which I have already blogged about, here are two other aspects of The Odyssey I feel could be really interesting to explore in more detail.

1. Food

Feasting, hunting, cooking, roasting, drinking, and ultimately consuming are all prominent activities in The Odyssey. What can the habits (or lack thereof) teach us about Internet consuming in today's world? There are some "feasts" of which hospitable guests are who they say they are, and offer not only food and drink with a warm fire and nice bath - but are open to listening to personal stories and offer resources and good will to visitors. In line with the "consume, create, and connect" theme I think this slant could be pretty interesting.

2. Family and Home

As I read the great epic, I was amazed by Odysseus' ability to keep his vision on his end goal (the same goes for Penelope). I think he was able to keep the desire to return home so well due to his strong sense of confidence that he had the power to make it happen. Though he and his men got side-tracked with a few stops, and they endured some remarkable set-backs, Odysseus ultimately stayed grounded with his passion of family and home. This vision, an intangible anchor to the great warrior and mariner, was a powerful motivator and also brought help from those around him. On the web, we too can be distracted by many things, but I think people are more prone to act and help someone who is grounded in a cause and has a deep passion for subjects of substance. 

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